I know I've been a little quiet around the blog lately... I've been busy with parties, shopping, gift wrapping, and general holiday craziness. You know how it goes!
I did want to share some pictures of our lovely Christmas tree. For the last few years I've wanted to do a tree in those fun Dr. Seuss-esque colors. I always see ornaments in those bright and happy non-traditional colors: hot pink, lime green, turquoise, purple... and I've always wanted to use those colors for my own tree. So this year I picked up some cheap-o ornaments from Tar-jay (yeah, I said Tar-jay, deal with it) and went for it. And it looks so pretty! The colors makes me seriously happy.
Way up at the top of that last picture you can see our Lucy dog ornament. The dog has floppy ears and one patch over its eye, just like her. We saw it last year (back when she was just a teeny baby only a few months old!) and couldn't pass it up. I know it makes us those people. But whatevs. We love our pooch.
And cause I've got crazy Christmas fever, I got some holiday throw pillows to swap out for the couch. Does anyone else have seasonal pillows? Or is that a seriously kind of insane thing to do?
I couldn't resist the lime green and polka dots! So very merry.
And here's one more peek at the tree, all lit up at night and stuffed with presents underneath:
(Yup, it's December 15th and all my presents are wrapped and nestled under the tree! Woo!)
Oh, and after looking at it for a while, Branden and I both agreed that the outside of the house needed more lights. :) So he climbed out on the porch roof to string a few strands above the second floor and we stuck candle lights in the upstairs windows (the third one is hiding behind the porch roof). (I'd like to also mention that it was at night, while it was about 18 degrees out with 30 mph winds, that he decided it was time to climb onto the roof...)
And might I also mention that we, without a doubt, have the best lights in our neighborhood. Eat it, neighbors! (That's what the holidays are about it, isn't it?)
Seasonal pillows? Yes, that is a kind of insane thing to do, seriously. At least I think so - but I don't even have seasonal clothes...so what do I know? I love the tree. And the whole Dr. Seuss idea is so...you. Merry Christmas to you and Branden, and of course, Lucy Goosy, who is a huge big bag of dog love.